Complete Starter Kit ~ $75
Handheld 10watt radio for 70cm and 2m and more (GMRS, Aviation, WX) - Baofeng 5RM (10watt)- $58 for two radios
The below radio comes with a small kit with external mics, programming cable, extra antennas, etc. It has USB-C so it is easy to charge in the car.
These radios are great, but modern vehicles can act like a faraday cage (blocking radio waves) and an external antenna is a MUST on the trail for any range. This external antenna comes with an adapter from your handheld radio, but will also work with a mobile style radio when you decide to upgrade. External antenna - $35
If you'd like to program your radio you'll need a USB programming cable.
(The above kit comes with one, but if you got a kit without one, use this to get one)
This cable is sold by Baofeng and works great with the free software CHIRP. - $10 Link to a CHIRP radio image you can use to give yourself a jumpstart programming.
*Disclaimer - Please get the appropriate radio license. GMRS is very affordable and covers the whole family (no test required)
Details on how to get yours for $35 here
Getting your Ham license is strongly encouraged and is what a lot of clubs have moved to and require. HAM tests can be done locally at a "HAM CRAM" and no longer require Morse code.
Lastly, whatever you do, don't buy a Rugged Radio brand handheld. Their radio is just a stripped down Baofeng that can not be field programmed. It requires a computer to load a frequency. It is similar for "Rocky Talkies", they are just overpriced GMRS radios.
- work in progress -
Nationwide simplex frequencies
2m - 146.520
70cm - 446.000
4x4 club simplex frequencies
Esprit de Four (ED4): 146.430
Madhatters: 147.555
Overland Bound: 146.460
King of the Hammers Frequencies (simplex)
Ops: 151.625
Race 1: 151.700
Race 2: 151.5125